Friday, October 10, 2008

The Net Generation

The Net Generation. A generation that I, apparently, am not a part of. First of all, it is kind of strange to not be in the youngest generation anymore. I guess for a while I was used to being part of the younger generation- the one that was familiar with computers, the internet, strange music, fashionable clothes, etc. But, according to Diana Oblinger, I missed the Net Generation by about 2 years. Oh well.

I definitely don't quite fit in the Net Generation anyways. I can remember life without the internet. I actually remember my first academic experience using the internet- being required to use the interent as a research tool for a French project in my junior year of high school- 1996-97. Seems like a long time ago.

I don't have a virtual life, or at least I don't really think I do. I don't dabble in virtual worlds, or have any avatars to my name. I don't play with my identity online, but all of this does sound kind of fun! Maybe I'll have to try it out sometime.

One way that I do fit into the Net Generation is my expectation that I can do everything on the internet. If I am trying to find information and I can't locate what I want on the interent, I get very frustrated. I get frustrated by that the hotel who doesn't show reservation availability online, or the restaurant who doesn't post their menu online.

I guess I don't totally fit into the Net Generation, but I can see hints of it in myself.


1 comment:

Doane Miller said...

I can not agree with you more...As I was reading your blog..about the net generation it had me thinking also...I'm not in the that generation anymore. Time has just past us by. I like you don't have a MySpace, Facebook, I don't play online virtual games. It's funny I always considered myself to be on top of the curve. Thank you for the article…..It made me reminisce also
Doane Miller